Category: Bonsai

Bonsai update

I went through a couple weeks ago and took photos off my current “Bonsai” collection. They’re still quite young, but growing very nicely. The gallery is here. I think a couple of my other plants snuck in there, too. I’ve got a spicy pepper plant that’s doing really well this year.
Notable plants include this Jacaranda, which is one of a family of around eight that I have:

It has some really nice growth along the trunk that’s hard to get going on a Jacaranda (in my experience).

Then there’s the Oak I bought at a bonsai show last year. It was on the bargain/junk rack, and I liked it. It’s coming along nicely:

I’m fond of my Dwarf Pomegranates, as well. I’ve grown them from seeds, which I got from the fruit of a co-worker’s tree. I have five of them, but this one has been outside most of the time, and is looking quite strong:

I’ve got some nice Lilikoi growing (that’s Passion Fruit), too. I got the seeds in Hawaii over Christmas, and I was unaware that they are actually a vine. So I put in some effort and planted them in a nice planter with a small trellis to climb up. I’m working on a Japanese Boxwood that I bought at Lowe’s, too, but I haven’t quite figured out what I want to do with it yet.

At any rate, it’s starting to be a pretty big collection. I’m gonna need a more space pretty soon!

I’ve been learning about Bonsai lately, and I planted some seeds about two weeks ago. On Friday after work, I was delighted to find that some of my seeds had started growing. A chinese wisteria came up:

As well as two Jacarandas:

Now that was enough, but today (sunday), I also found that one of my giant california redwoods has also sprouted:

Now here’s the interesting thing. The Jacarandas have been growing like I’d expect them to, but the Chinese Wisteria is going wild. 72 hours after the first picture, it now looks like this:

Simply amazing.