D&D Character Builder Update (1.3)

Work has been busy these last couple month, but I managed to get my D&D Character Builder updated with the Player’s Handbook 2 races and classes. It might be a little rougher around the edges than previous versions, so I’ve also added a button titled “Got and Issue?” where you can drop me an anonymous email detailing any problems you encounter. Other changes include:

Major Changes
– PHB2 classes and races.
– Submit an issue button. If you find something that ain’t quite right, let me know about it!
– I reworked the skills, feats, and powers page. Make choices on the left, see what you’ve chosen on the right.
– A “to-do” list is available (click the “To-do list” button) that tracks choices you still have to make. If you select on of the listed choices, it will give you more information. If a choice can be made immediately (like for languages), it will give you a little selection box. If not, then you can double-click the choice to have the UI highlight the section you need to make a choice in.

Other Changes
– The code behind the scenes is much more aware of the bonuses you’ve chosen. I spent some time adding code to fill out the character sheet a bit more based on these bonuses. You’ll see modifiers properly applied to your skills based on feats you choose, for example.
– Languages you choose are filled in on the character sheet.
– Changed the name to “builder” instead of “Generator”.
– Powers, feats, and classes are sorted alphabetically now.
– Half-elfs can now choose human feats.
– Added a “license” agreement. This thing is free, but I may as well put it in writing.
– There’s a donate button in the About box now. If you like what you see, your support is appreciated.
– I’ve also added lots more new bugs. Pats on the back to those who find them first.
– If you’d like to use older versions, a link is provided in the Change Log for the version of interest (you can get to the change log from the About box). Previous versions have a “Use this version” link to allow you to go to an older version.

That’s about it. I’d like to sort out a better way to create a character sheet in PDF form, so if anyone has suggestions, drop me a line. XFDF doesn’t seem to be well-supported by Adobe.

Access the new Character Builder (1.3) here.

2 Responses to “D&D Character Builder Update (1.3)”

  1. Hapi says:

    hello… hapi blogging… have a nice day! just visiting here….

  2. Dan says:

    Nice! I can't get it to generate a PDF (it just defaults to the 10s)… but it looks pretty good!

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